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DUI News

dui breathalyzer

Scarborough Alcohol Breathalyzer Facts

Scarborough Laws That Call for the Installation of an Alcohol Breathalyzer

alcohol breathalyzer scarborough

Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Scarborough DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

Scarborough Laws Which Determine Whether A Breathalyzer Installation is Necessary

Criminal laws in Scarborough regarding DUI offences are very strict and carries the most severe of punishments which can range from fines, suspension of licences, jail terms and you will be required to install an alcohol breathalyzer in your car. Regardless of the quantum of the sentencing, it always has a traumatic effect on offenders and has long term repercussions.

Hence, before opting for DUI programs and a car breathalyzer, it is always advisable to contact experienced lawyers in this field. We at Scarborough DUI Lawyer have the required professional expertise to get the charges dropped at trial based mainly on the evidence collected by the prosecutor and the violation of any Charter Rights.

Before settling for a breathalyzer installation, give us a call and we will be more than willing to offer you our expert guidance.

Legal Circumstances Where a Breathalyzer Installation is Necessary in Scarborough, ON

Under Criminal Law, impaired driving is when a person’s ability to operate a vehicle or having care and control of it is impaired by the use of alcohol and drugs. Moreover, impaired driving can also be based on driving under the influence when BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) is above the permissible limit of 80mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood.

A Breathalyzer installation may not be necessary depending on the nature of the offence.

  • 1st DUI offence �” Driving a vehicle fitted with an ignition interlock device, apart from other restrictions.
  • 2nd DUI offence �” An accused has to have a car breathalyzer fitted 6 months after the sentence.
  • 3rd DUI offence �” The licence is permanently revoked. However, if it is ever restored, the accused has to take a lifetime enrollment in an interlock program.

Call us now to contact a DUI Lawyer in Scarborough, Ontario and obtain more information on the laws requiring the installation of a DUI Breathalyzer.

Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in Scarborough

car breathalyzer scarborough

breathalyzer legal limit scarborough

Types Of DUI Charges:

Impaired Driving

Driving Under The Influence

Over 80 m.g. DUI

Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

Care and Control

Multiple DUI Offences

Consequences Of A DUI:

Criminal Record

Serving a Jail Sentence

Drivers License Suspension

Payment of Fines

Travel Restrictions

Loss of Income


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The Intentions Behind Scarborough Laws Governing a Car Breathalyzer Installation

A car breathalyzer is a device that measures the quantum of alcohol in the driver’s system, and if it exceeds a pre-programmed level, the vehicle does not start. The driver is required to take the test before switching on the ignition. This is why this device is also referred to as an ignition interlock.

To take a test using the car breathalyzer, the driver is required to deliver a breath sample into the device. If the sample is good, the vehicle will start. If not, another test has to be taken after some time. The waiting time after the first test is a few minutes, however, if the driver fails in the subsequent tests, then that means that he will be locked out for increasingly longer periods. After the first test, a few minutes of waiting time is required which increases progressively for subsequent tests. This is set to ensure that the driver is not drinking between tests.

breathalyzer installation scarborough

dui breathalyzer scarborough

Scarborough DUI Breathalyzer Rules and Random Tests

Some jurisdictions also stipulate that random tests be carried out while driving the vehicle. With such devices, there will be beeps at periodical intervals where the driver has to give a breath sample. If the sample crosses specified alcohol limits, the engine of the car will not be turned off, but the driver will be asked to pull over through repeated honking of the horn and flashing lights. This makes sure that the driver is not drinking after giving the initial breath sample.

All breath sample data is sent to the concerned authority like court/ DMV / probation that has ordered the breathalyzer installation to be reviewed regularly on the date of the service appointment.

The Breathalyzer Legal Limit in Scarborough, Ontario

Most jurisdictions including Scarborough, ON, are increasingly permitting alcohol breathalyzer installation in vehicles as an alternative to the revocation of licences. This has a twofold effect. First, it prevents the convicted from consuming alcohol and driving again and makes the roads much safer to drive in.

Secondly, it enables those with DUI convictions to lead a normal life and attend school, office or go through other essential tasks while being sober. Hence the principle behind breathalyzer legal limit factors is implemented whiling ensuring safety for both the public and the offender.

Contact Our Experienced Scarborough DUI Lawyer If You Think You May Require A DUI Breathalyzer

The enforcement of a breathalyzer installation rises only when a conviction under DUI laws has taken place. That is why it is imperative to hire a experienced Scarborough DUI Lawyer immediately after a DUI charge. We have long years of experience in this field and have consistently shown positive results in getting charges quashed at trial.
We will also guide and advise you in Scarborough, Ontario on the different DUI programs, car breathalyzer centers and how to get your licence suspension revoked in the shortest possible time. Give us a call to know more on this aspect.


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    Adam Little dedicated to your rights

    Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

    How We Help our experience is your advantage
    The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

    Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
    • Impaired Driving
    • Driving Under The Influence
    • Over 80 DUI
    • Failure To Provide
    • Multiple DUI Offences
    • Care And Control

    Scarborough DUI Defence Attorney

    dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

    Scarborough DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

    We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

    Invaluable Experience

    As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

    We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

    As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

    Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

    Superior Knowledge

    Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

    We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

    Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


    Call For Your Free Consultation.

    dui programs

    DUI Classes Offered in Southern Ontario

    Conditions For Those Required To Participate in Southern Ontario DUI Programs

    dui classes southern ontario

    Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Southern Ontario DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

    Information For Those Required To Participate in Southern Ontario DUI Classes

    Drunk driving programs in Southern Ontario, are for drivers who have been convicted under Criminal Law for alcohol related driving offences and are required to attend DUI classes as outlined by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles that runs the Programs. Once you are enrolled in this Program, you may be permitted to drive with a “conditional interlock driver’s licence” for part of the period that your licence has been revoked within the frame of a prohibition order.

    However, if you are charged with a DUI offence, your first step should be to contact an experienced Southern Ontario DUI Lawyer. We have the necessary professional experience to present your case in the courts of Southern Ontario, based mainly on whether all clauses of the Charter of Rights have been strictly followed by the prosecution.

    Conditions to be Meet Before One Attends Southern Ontario DUI Classes

    There are certain steps that need to be followed before being accepted in drunk driving programs.

    • An alcohol breathalyzer device has to be installed in the vehicle.
    • Send an application to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to be accepted in DUI class which again is not automatic.
    • A certain amount of fee has to be paid for being admitted to the Program.
    • DUI classes include Addiction Services for counseling, rehabilitation, and
    • Be eligible for a driver’s licence.
    • Meet all other norms and stipulations of DUI Programs. The addiction services are conducted by different Health Authorities who are authorized to offer mandatory counseling services.

    Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in Southern Ontario

    drunk driving programs southern ontario

    dui class southern ontario

    Types Of DUI Charges:

    Impaired Driving

    Driving Under The Influence

    Over 80 m.g. DUI

    Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

    Care and Control

    Multiple DUI Offences

    Consequences Of A DUI:

    Criminal Record

    Serving a Jail Sentence

    Drivers License Suspension

    Payment of Fines

    Travel Restrictions

    Loss of Income


    Call Us for a free Consultation

    Factors That Determine Your Acceptance into Southern Ontario Drunk Driving Programs

    • Acceptance to DUI class in Southern Ontario, , is not automatic and is at the discretion of the Motor Vehicles Registrar. The following factors will be taken into consideration before enrolling you to drunk driving programs.
    • Your driving history especially the part related to DUI and whether this has led to a conviction under the Criminal Code.
    • Medical conditions that concern the ability to drive and participate in the
    • Information about your physical and mental health as given by Addiction
    • Information about your participation in programs held by other drunk driving organizations.
      It is only after getting a positive rating in these aspects will the Motor Vehicles Registrar accept you in the DUI Programs.

    dui programs southern ontario

    drunk driving organizations southern ontario

    Recommendable DUI Class and the Restoration of Licences in Southern Ontario,

    If you have been convicted under Criminal Law for impaired driving and have caused bodily harm or death, you are not eligible for early reinstatement of the licence. In this case, you have to participate in DUI programs at the end of the revocation period to get the licence restored.

    The time period for getting a licence is as follows –   

    • 3 months from the date of sentencing for a 1st offence;
    • 6 months for a 2nd offence; and
    • 12 months for any subsequent offence. In all these cases, you can start the application process and required Alcohol Assessment before the specified period comes to an end.

    Whether you are facing a 1st, 2nd or 3rd DUI charge, get in touch with us; we have experienced Southern Ontario DUI Lawyers who will create the best defence for your trial in court.

    The Most Recommendable Drunk Driving Organizations in Southern Ontario,

    There are numerous drunk driving organizations that focus on reducing incidences of drunk driving and making the roads safer to drive in. The most recommendable organizations that offer effective DUI programs include –

    • Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD) whose objective is to stop drunk driving, preventing underage drinking and supporting victims of this crime.
    • International Drunk Driving Prevention Association, which apart from the same goals as MADD also supports legislative efforts to tighten DUI laws.
    • National Commission against Drunk Driving seeks to reduce impaired driving and the resultant tragic consequences by involving private and public sector organizations in their effort.

    Effective Drunk Driving Programs Recommended by Southern Ontario DUI Lawyers

    If you have been charged with DUI, get in touch with us at Southern Ontario DUI Lawyer immediately. We have vast experience in this aspect of law, and all our lawyers are well trained in dealing with such cases. Our DUI defence strategies have shown consistent results in favor of our clients. In case you are convicted for the offence, we will guide you on the different ramifications of drunk driving programs to enable you to have your licence restored in the shortest possible time. For further details, get in touch with us now.


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    24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

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      Adam Little dedicated to your rights

      Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

      How We Help our experience is your advantage
      The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

      Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
      • Impaired Driving
      • Driving Under The Influence
      • Over 80 DUI
      • Failure To Provide
      • Multiple DUI Offences
      • Care And Control

      Southern Ontario DUI Defence Attorney

      dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

      Southern Ontario DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

      We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

      Invaluable Experience

      As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

      We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

      As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

      Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

      Superior Knowledge

      Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

      We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

      Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


      Call For Your Free Consultation.

      how to win a DUI case

      Beating A DUI in Vaughan

      The Possible Process of Beating a DUI in Vaughan, Ontario

      how to beat a DUI vaughan

      Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Vaughan DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

      Just How Possible Is The Process of Beating a DUI in Vaughan, ON

      Impaired driving or a DUI is a severe crime as laid down by the Criminal Code and if convicted, can result in harsh penalties, fines, jail terms and even the revoking of ones license. Hence, getting pulled over for such offences can radically alter a person’s life and career in addition to experiencing a traumatic experience for first time offenders.

      Under these circumstances, it is important for you to understand how to beat a DUI charge. The first and most important step is getting in touch with a Vaughan DUI lawyer who is well versed and conversant with impaired driving and DUI cases.

      Our team of highly qualified and reliable DUI lawyers will fight your case and devise strategies to protect you from legal implications arising from a DUI case.

      The Possible Process of Winning a DUI Case in Vaughan

      Prior to their being a trial your DUI lawyer will have to determine some ways of beating a DUI. There are various ways to deal with such cases but firstly, your lawyer will need to establish some major loopholes in the evidence provided by the Crown or through cross examining the prosecution witnesses.

      The second option is when the Crown agrees to drop criminal DUI charges in return for a plea bargain for a provincial careless driving offence. This works in favor of the accused as he/she is protected from a subsequent criminal record and conviction. However, this only happens when the Crown attorney chooses to use it as a last resort. If not, you will have to plead not guilty and contest the charges. Winning a DUI case thus requires you to get a professional defence lawyer to fight the case on your behalf.

      Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in Vaughan

      how to beat a DUI vaughan

      winning a DUI vaughan

      Types Of DUI Charges:

      Impaired Driving

      Driving Under The Influence

      Over 80 m.g. DUI

      Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

      Care and Control

      Multiple DUI Offences

      Consequences Of A DUI:

      Criminal Record

      Serving a Jail Sentence

      Drivers License Suspension

      Payment of Fines

      Travel Restrictions

      Loss of Income


      Call Us for a free Consultation

      Some Other Ways to Win a DUI in Vaughan, Ontario

      Winning a DUI is based on certain lapses by law enforcing officers amoungst other effective legal strategies implemented by our top DUI lawyers. By pleading not guilty, you ensure that intricacies of the case are brought to light in trial and offer a chance for the defence to pick holes in the prosecution arguments. Some of the ways leading to beating a DUI include challenging BAC breath results, Field Sobriety tests and blood test results. Establishing that Charter rights have been infringed upon may be accomplished by proving that the DUI checkpoint arrest was illegal by challenging the legality of the checkpoint. Another charter point of view is proving an officer’s failure to read the accused his/her rights.
      These are the common approaches often used by a reputable and experienced Vaughan DUI Lawyer.

      beating a DUI vaughan

      how to beat a DUI charge vaughan

      Pleading Guilty as a Way of Winning a DUI in Vaughan

      For the first time offenders who have to face a lesser quantum of punishment, (often as low as a 3 month revocation of their drivers license) there is a tendency to plead guilty to the charge and not be drawn into a prolonged litigation process. However, by pleading guilty, you automatically admit to a crime and hence the law that states you are innocent till proved guilty is no longer relevant for you. Secondly, by pleading guilty, you are giving up your right to a free and fair trial and will be forcing the hand of the Crown to prove your charges beyond reasonable doubt.
      This is why you should always get in touch with a reputed DUI lawyer who will study your case and decide whether it will be prudent for you to plead guilty or not. This decision should not be taken exclusively by you, as it will at the initial stages itself preempt the possibility of winning a DUI.

      Winning a DUI in Vaughan Requires A Highly Experienced DUI Lawyer

      If your major priority is beating a DUI, then the first step should be to get in touch with our reputed DUI lawyers as speed is of the essence at this point. Our top of the line attorneys will visit the site of the incident to gather firsthand information about the incident and will authenticate the facts collected by the prosecution which will be presented at trial. This also helps in countering the key witness deposition of the Crown.

      Get in touch with our Vaughan DUI Lawyer for any issues arising due to impaired driving DUI cases. We have a team of experienced lawyers who are fully aware of the many ways to beat a DUI. Over time, we have successfully defended our clients in Vaughan courts and have shown consistent results. Call us for a free consultation and an estimate as to what your DUI lawyer cost will be.


      Call Us for a free Consultation

      Call Us Now talking is FREE!

      Call For A Free Consultation

      24 Hours

      24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

      Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

        Adam Little dedicated to your rights

        Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

        How We Help our experience is your advantage
        The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

        Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
        • Impaired Driving
        • Driving Under The Influence
        • Over 80 DUI
        • Failure To Provide
        • Multiple DUI Offences
        • Care And Control

        Vaughan DUI Defence Attorney

        dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

        Vaughan DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

        We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

        Invaluable Experience

        As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

        We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

        As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

        Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

        Superior Knowledge

        Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

        We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

        Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


        Call For Your Free Consultation.

        how to win a DUI case

        Beating A DUI in Newmarket

        The Possible Process of Beating a DUI in Newmarket, Ontario

        how to beat a DUI newmarket

        Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Newmarket DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

        Just How Possible Is The Process of Beating a DUI in Newmarket, ON

        Impaired driving or a DUI is a severe crime as laid down by the Criminal Code and if convicted, can result in harsh penalties, fines, jail terms and even the revoking of ones license. Hence, getting pulled over for such offences can radically alter a person’s life and career in addition to experiencing a traumatic experience for first time offenders.

        Under these circumstances, it is important for you to understand how to beat a DUI charge. The first and most important step is getting in touch with a Newmarket DUI lawyer who is well versed and conversant with impaired driving and DUI cases.

        Our team of highly qualified and reliable DUI lawyers will fight your case and devise strategies to protect you from legal implications arising from a DUI case.

        The Possible Process of Winning a DUI Case in Newmarket

        Prior to their being a trial your DUI lawyer will have to determine some ways of beating a DUI. There are various ways to deal with such cases but firstly, your lawyer will need to establish some major loopholes in the evidence provided by the Crown or through cross examining the prosecution witnesses.

        The second option is when the Crown agrees to drop criminal DUI charges in return for a plea bargain for a provincial careless driving offence. This works in favor of the accused as he/she is protected from a subsequent criminal record and conviction. However, this only happens when the Crown attorney chooses to use it as a last resort. If not, you will have to plead not guilty and contest the charges. Winning a DUI case thus requires you to get a professional defence lawyer to fight the case on your behalf.

        Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in Newmarket

        how to beat a DUI newmarket

        winning a DUI newmarket

        Types Of DUI Charges:

        Impaired Driving

        Driving Under The Influence

        Over 80 m.g. DUI

        Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

        Care and Control

        Multiple DUI Offences

        Consequences Of A DUI:

        Criminal Record

        Serving a Jail Sentence

        Drivers License Suspension

        Payment of Fines

        Travel Restrictions

        Loss of Income


        Call Us for a free Consultation

        Some Other Ways to Win a DUI in Newmarket, Ontario

        Winning a DUI is based on certain lapses by law enforcing officers amoungst other effective legal strategies implemented by our top DUI lawyers. By pleading not guilty, you ensure that intricacies of the case are brought to light in trial and offer a chance for the defence to pick holes in the prosecution arguments. Some of the ways leading to beating a DUI include challenging BAC breath results, Field Sobriety tests and blood test results. Establishing that Charter rights have been infringed upon may be accomplished by proving that the DUI checkpoint arrest was illegal by challenging the legality of the checkpoint. Another charter point of view is proving an officer’s failure to read the accused his/her rights.
        These are the common approaches often used by a reputable and experienced Newmarket DUI Lawyer.

        beating a DUI newmarket

        how to beat a DUI charge newmarket

        Pleading Guilty as a Way of Winning a DUI in Newmarket

        For the first time offenders who have to face a lesser quantum of punishment, (often as low as a 3 month revocation of their drivers license) there is a tendency to plead guilty to the charge and not be drawn into a prolonged litigation process. However, by pleading guilty, you automatically admit to a crime and hence the law that states you are innocent till proved guilty is no longer relevant for you. Secondly, by pleading guilty, you are giving up your right to a free and fair trial and will be forcing the hand of the Crown to prove your charges beyond reasonable doubt.
        This is why you should always get in touch with a reputed DUI lawyer who will study your case and decide whether it will be prudent for you to plead guilty or not. This decision should not be taken exclusively by you, as it will at the initial stages itself preempt the possibility of winning a DUI.

        Winning a DUI in Newmarket Requires A Highly Experienced DUI Lawyer

        If your major priority is beating a DUI, then the first step should be to get in touch with our reputed DUI lawyers as speed is of the essence at this point. Our top of the line attorneys will visit the site of the incident to gather firsthand information about the incident and will authenticate the facts collected by the prosecution which will be presented at trial. This also helps in countering the key witness deposition of the Crown.

        Get in touch with our Newmarket DUI Lawyer for any issues arising due to impaired driving DUI cases. We have a team of experienced lawyers who are fully aware of the many ways to beat a DUI. Over time, we have successfully defended our clients in Newmarket courts and have shown consistent results. Call us for a free consultation and an estimate as to what your DUI lawyer cost will be.


        Call Us for a free Consultation

        Call Us Now talking is FREE!

        Call For A Free Consultation

        24 Hours

        24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

        Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

          Adam Little dedicated to your rights

          Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

          How We Help our experience is your advantage
          The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

          Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
          • Impaired Driving
          • Driving Under The Influence
          • Over 80 DUI
          • Failure To Provide
          • Multiple DUI Offences
          • Care And Control

          Newmarket DUI Defence Attorney

          dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

          Newmarket DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

          We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

          Invaluable Experience

          As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

          We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

          As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

          Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

          Superior Knowledge

          Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

          We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

          Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


          Call For Your Free Consultation.

          driving under the influence of cannabis

          Scarborough Marijuana DUI Defence

          Driving under the influence of Marijuana Defence Lawyer in Scarborough

          marijuana DUI scarborough

          Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Scarborough DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable impaired driving lawyer.

          Driving under the influence of Marijuana DUI Laws in Scarborough, Ontario

          The Criminal Code considers impaired driving as a criminal offence. The penalties for impaired driving are strict in Scarborough and accross Ontario. When it comes to driving under the influence of alcohol, the laws are clear, and the punishments involved are high. However, for driving under the influence of marijuana in Scarborough and Ontario, things are a bit different. Although the law relating to drug impaired-driving is strict, the process is different and there is room for being safeguarded against the punishments involved.

          Notably, for you to obtain protection against the penalties arising out of a drug-impaired driving charge, it is necessary that you hire a reputed Scarborough DUI lawyer. We are a renowned DUI law firm in Scarborough, Ontario and we are highly experienced at defending clients against drug impaired driving charges.

          Approved Testing for a Marijuana DUI in Scarborough, Ontario

          In the case of impaired driving under the influence of alcohol, the police can ask you to undergo a breathalyzer test to determine your DUI blood alcohol level. However, for marijuana DUI the process is a little different. The police may look for signs that would help them determine that the driver is under the influence of marijuana and soon the police will have a newely approved testing device specifically for detecting marijuana.

          Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in Scarborough

          driving under the influence of cannabis scarborough

          driving and cannabis scarborough

          Types Of DUI Charges:

          Impaired Driving

          Driving Under The Influence

          Over 80 m.g. DUI

          Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

          Care and Control

          Multiple DUI Offences

          Consequences Of A DUI:

          Criminal Record

          Serving a Jail Sentence

          Drivers License Suspension

          Payment of Fines

          Travel Restrictions

          Loss of Income


          Call Us for a free Consultation

          Common Signals That Justify a Marijuana DUI in Scarborough, Ontario

          The signs that may determine the influence of marijuana when a driver is flagged down include; driving too slow, driving erratically, slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, glassy eyes, impaired cognitive function, impaired motor skills and the smell of marijuana in the vehicle.

          drug driving limit cannabis scarborough

          driving under the influence of marijuana scarborough

          How Scarborough Police Will Determine if a Driver is Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis

          The Criminal Code empowers the police officials to investigate possible marijuana DUI offences. The police can seek permission to demand a suspected driver for completing a Standardized Field Sobriety Test. It includes a physical conditioning test, which allows the officer to look for signs of impairment.

          Driving under the Influence of Cannabis and The Drug Driving Limit of Cannabis in Scarborough

          Getting charged with a DUI offence in Scarborough or Ontario can be a crushing experience. Apart from receiving harsh punishments that may transpire into heavy fines and possible jail time, you may end up with a criminal record. However, driving under the influence of alcohol is a little bit different from driving under the influence of cannabis. For instance, there is no drug-driving limit of cannabis. Nevertheless, the police officials can ask the driver to undergo the Standardized Field Sobriety Test, as the breathalyzer test may not prove to be accurate in the case of cannabis usage.

          Defending Driving and Cannabis Charges in Scarborough, ON

          The laws in Ontario and Scarborough governing DUI offences are some of the strictest in the entire country. There is a strict policy governing DUI offences in Scarborough, Ontario. Driving and cannabis usage is considered a criminal offence under DUI laws with the same penalties and punishments as those in alcohol related DUI. Defending a cannabis DUI offence may take a different approach than that of an alcohol related DUI offence. Your lawyer will have to build up a defence identifying the flaws on the charge against you which could include pointing out technical mistakes made by the police officials. This is why it becomes necessary for you to hire a relentless Scarborough DUI lawyer to guarantee that you receive efficient representation in the court of law. We will assess your case and put our best foot forward to defend you in court and protect you against any penalties relating to the impaired driving offence.


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          24 Hours

          24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

          Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

            Adam Little dedicated to your rights

            Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

            How We Help our experience is your advantage
            The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

            Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
            • Impaired Driving
            • Driving Under The Influence
            • Over 80 DUI
            • Failure To Provide
            • Multiple DUI Offences
            • Care And Control

            Scarborough DUI Defence Attorney

            dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

            Scarborough DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

            We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

            Invaluable Experience

            As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

            We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

            As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

            Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

            Superior Knowledge

            Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

            We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

            Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


            Call For Your Free Consultation.

            dui false arrest

            King False DUI Defence

            Defence Against A False DUI Arrest in King, ON

            false DUI arrest king

            Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to King DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

            What To Do If You Have Received A Wrongful DUI Arrest in King

            Getting charged with a DUI offence can be overwhelming, and its consequences can be challenging. Being charged with a DUI offence not only puts you in a situation where you end up paying heavy fines and facing possible jail time but will also leave you with a criminal record since a DUI is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code.

            However, there are times when someone is given a wrongful DUI arrest in King. In such cases, it is advisable to take these charges to trial with the help of a capable and highly reputed DUI lawyer. A King DUI lawyer can help you overcome a situation where you have been embroiled in a false DUI arrest.

            How to Handle a DUI False Arrest in King, Ontario

            The police have the power vested in them to arrest a person if he/she is driving under the influence of alcohol or some other intoxicating substance. However, the police do not have the right to forcefully or wrongfully arrest a person just based on a belief that the said person might be intoxicated. In the case of a false DUI arrest in King, Ontario you have the right to challenge it in court with the help of a lawyer. A good King DUI lawyer will be able to guide you through the ordeal and help you fight and win your case.

            Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in King

            diabetes DUI defence king

            dui false arrest king

            Types Of DUI Charges:

            Impaired Driving

            Driving Under The Influence

            Over 80 m.g. DUI

            Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

            Care and Control

            Multiple DUI Offences

            Consequences Of A DUI:

            Criminal Record

            Serving a Jail Sentence

            Drivers License Suspension

            Payment of Fines

            Travel Restrictions

            Loss of Income


            Call Us for a free Consultation

            What a False DUI arrest Entails in The City of King

            A false DUI arrest amounts to a wrongful and intentional restriction of your freedom against your consent based on the false belief that you were under the influence of alcohol or some other prohibited substance while driving, without following the proper procedure.

            Situations Where a Wrongful DUI Arrest is Undertaken by a King Police Officer

            If a police officer arrests someone without authority or beyond the scope of the powers vested in him or her, then he/she will be committing a false DUI arrest. The police officer can arrest a person only if a crime has been committed. If you have been arrested without committing a crime, then that’s a false arrest. If the police officer arrested you on the basis of a DUI offence but there is no evidence to support the same, then this also amounts to a false DUI arrest.

             wrongful DUI arrest king

            false DUI king

            Conditions Linked to a False DUI or Wrongful DUI in King, ON

            If you have been arrested for a DUI offence by the police, but there is no evidence to support the same, then this constitutes as a false DUI arrest in King and Ontario. A wrongful DUI arrest, on the other hand, is when you get arrested by a police officer beyond the powers vested in the police officer and without authority. In such a case, hiring a highly reputed King DUI lawyer can help you get out of these false charges with minimal hustle.

            Diabetes DUI Defence in King and Ontario

            In the case of diabetes, the breath tests commonly used by the police officers can register acetone as alcohol and studies have shown that they can be as high as 0.6. If that is added to your BAC level, it may go way above the prescribed limit. In such a case, it is necessary that you hire a reputed King DUI lawyer who will structure a proper diabetes DUI defence in your case by proving to the King court that you have been wrongfully charged.
            For more information, contact us today, and we will be more than willing to help you with your wrongful DUI defence.


            Call Us for a free Consultation

            Call Us Now talking is FREE!

            Call For A Free Consultation

            24 Hours

            24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

            Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

              Adam Little dedicated to your rights

              Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

              How We Help our experience is your advantage
              The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

              Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
              • Impaired Driving
              • Driving Under The Influence
              • Over 80 DUI
              • Failure To Provide
              • Multiple DUI Offences
              • Care And Control

              King DUI Defence Attorney

              dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

              King DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

              We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

              Invaluable Experience

              As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

              We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

              As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

              Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

              Superior Knowledge

              Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

              We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

              Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


              Call For Your Free Consultation.

              dui first offence

              Brampton DUI Refusal Defence

              Refusing A Breathalyzer Defence in Brampton, Ontario

              dui refusal defence brampton

              Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Brampton DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

              The Implications of Brampton Laws For Those Who Refuse To Blow

              It is a criminal offence in Brampton to refuse a breath sample when a police officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that the accused is driving under the influence. The sample is required to assess the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the body of the person driving the motor vehicle. In such cases, the person will be charged with refusing to provide a sample. Additionally, the accused will also be charged with impaired driving as well.

              When you are charged for refusing a breathalyzer in Brampton, Ontario you should immediately get in touch with an experienced and reliable Brampton DUI Lawyer who will prepare your DUI refusal defence. There are many angles to take take in when dealing with this facet of law, and our team of DUI lawyers has consistently been successful in getting a DUI refusal dismissed in the courts of Brampton.

              The Consequences and Penalties You Should Expect If You Refuse To Blow in Brampton

              If you refuse to blow by failing to give a sample of your breath, after a reasonable and lawful demand has been made by a police officer, can attract stiff penalties and harsh punishments in Brampton courts. If proved guilty of the offence, first-time offenders will automatically face a permanent criminal record. In addition to this, you will face a minimum fine of $1,000 along with a mandatory suspension of your license.

              For those convicted, it can lead to a lifetime of hardship and social stigma. You may end up losing your job, your license, pay more for car insurance, face problems with immigration as well as a record that will be stored and is accessible in the national CPIC database.

              If you have no criminal record, then be sure that your decision to refuse to blow may cost you your good reputation.

              Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in Brampton

              dui refusal dismissed brampton

              beat a DUI refusal brampton

              Types Of DUI Charges:

              Impaired Driving

              Driving Under The Influence

              Over 80 m.g. DUI

              Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

              Care and Control

              Multiple DUI Offences

              Consequences Of A DUI:

              Criminal Record

              Serving a Jail Sentence

              Drivers License Suspension

              Payment of Fines

              Travel Restrictions

              Loss of Income


              Call Us for a free Consultation

              How to Effectively Build a DUI Refusal Defence in Brampton, ON

              When you contact our Brampton DUI Lawyers to try and beat a DUI refusal, we primarily focus on a number of issues that might have been the grounds for refusing a breathalyzer. The first thing is whether there was a basis for a reasonable excuse for refusing the test. These may include �”
              Medical grounds where the accused was under treatment for any health conditions and going through the test at the time the officer wanted it would have aggravated the problem.

              • Mental grounds where the accused was so drunk or inebriated with drugs that he/she was unable to understand the demand being made or the effects of the refusal.
              • Not given the right to meet or consult with counsel before providing the breath sample.
              • The breathalyzer equipment not giving accurate results.
              • The police officer had no reasonable and probable grounds to suspect that an offence under DUI laws has been committed and hence there was no sufficient reason for the person to take the test.

              Call A Defence Lawyer Immediately If You Refuse To Blow in Brampton

              When we receive details of an arrest on those who refuse to blow, you will be assured that your refusal to take a breathalyzer test and your impaired driving charges are fought on highly technical grounds. This includes whether the police officer followed the rules and whether the driver had a valid reason for refusing the test.

              Moreover, it has to be proved beyond reasonable doubt by the Crown that the police officer fulfilled the legal obligation of confirming that the person who had been asked to take the breath test understands what he/she was required to do and the consequences of refusing to do so. Therefore if you have been arrested, our DUI refusal defence will depend on these factors which are more dependant on technical grounds than anything else.

              refusing breathalyzer brampton

              refuse to blow brampton

              The Chances of Getting a DUI Refusal Dismissed in The Courts of Brampton

              Even though the laws in Brampton, Ontario are very strict on refuse to blow cases, a reliable Brampton DUI Lawyer can prepare an outstanding DUI refusal defence for you. It will primarily be based on whether all the stipulations and conditions have been fulfilled before asking for the test. In most cases, we are able to point out flaws in the prosecution defence. In that case, we request a plea bargain in return for a lower charge for your offences such as careless or negligent driving. Conviction under cases of careless driving do not involve such harsh punishments as is the case with DUI charges.

              We Are Your Best Option When Trying To Beat A DUI Refusal in Brampton

              If you are charged with refusing a breathalyzer and impaired driving, get in touch with our Brampton DUI Lawyer immediately. Speed is of much essence in such situations since our DUI refusal defence is largely based on technical grounds of evidence collected from the site and cross-examining prosecution witnesses. We are also offer a DUI expungement service for those who have already been convicted and what the their DUI records deleted. Give us a call today and experience our high success rates.


              Call Us for a free Consultation

              Call Us Now talking is FREE!

              Call For A Free Consultation

              24 Hours

              24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

              Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

                Adam Little dedicated to your rights

                Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

                How We Help our experience is your advantage
                The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

                Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
                • Impaired Driving
                • Driving Under The Influence
                • Over 80 DUI
                • Failure To Provide
                • Multiple DUI Offences
                • Care And Control

                Brampton DUI Defence Attorney

                dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                Brampton DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

                We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                Invaluable Experience

                As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

                We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

                As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

                Superior Knowledge

                Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

                We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

                Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


                Call For Your Free Consultation.

                dui first offence

                Bradford DUI Refusal Defence

                Refusing A Breathalyzer Defence in Bradford, Ontario

                dui refusal defence bradford

                Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Bradford DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

                The Implications of Bradford Laws For Those Who Refuse To Blow

                It is a criminal offence in Bradford to refuse a breath sample when a police officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that the accused is driving under the influence. The sample is required to assess the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the body of the person driving the motor vehicle. In such cases, the person will be charged with refusing to provide a sample. Additionally, the accused will also be charged with impaired driving as well.

                When you are charged for refusing a breathalyzer in Bradford, Ontario you should immediately get in touch with an experienced and reliable Bradford DUI Lawyer who will prepare your DUI refusal defence. There are many angles to take take in when dealing with this facet of law, and our team of DUI lawyers has consistently been successful in getting a DUI refusal dismissed in the courts of Bradford.

                The Consequences and Penalties You Should Expect If You Refuse To Blow in Bradford

                If you refuse to blow by failing to give a sample of your breath, after a reasonable and lawful demand has been made by a police officer, can attract stiff penalties and harsh punishments in Bradford courts. If proved guilty of the offence, first-time offenders will automatically face a permanent criminal record. In addition to this, you will face a minimum fine of $1,000 along with a mandatory suspension of your license.

                For those convicted, it can lead to a lifetime of hardship and social stigma. You may end up losing your job, your license, pay more for car insurance, face problems with immigration as well as a record that will be stored and is accessible in the national CPIC database.

                If you have no criminal record, then be sure that your decision to refuse to blow may cost you your good reputation.

                Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in Bradford

                dui refusal dismissed bradford

                beat a DUI refusal bradford

                Types Of DUI Charges:

                Impaired Driving

                Driving Under The Influence

                Over 80 m.g. DUI

                Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

                Care and Control

                Multiple DUI Offences

                Consequences Of A DUI:

                Criminal Record

                Serving a Jail Sentence

                Drivers License Suspension

                Payment of Fines

                Travel Restrictions

                Loss of Income


                Call Us for a free Consultation

                How to Effectively Build a DUI Refusal Defence in Bradford, ON

                When you contact our Bradford DUI Lawyers to try and beat a DUI refusal, we primarily focus on a number of issues that might have been the grounds for refusing a breathalyzer. The first thing is whether there was a basis for a reasonable excuse for refusing the test. These may include �”
                Medical grounds where the accused was under treatment for any health conditions and going through the test at the time the officer wanted it would have aggravated the problem.

                • Mental grounds where the accused was so drunk or inebriated with drugs that he/she was unable to understand the demand being made or the effects of the refusal.
                • Not given the right to meet or consult with counsel before providing the breath sample.
                • The breathalyzer equipment not giving accurate results.
                • The police officer had no reasonable and probable grounds to suspect that an offence under DUI laws has been committed and hence there was no sufficient reason for the person to take the test.

                Call A Defence Lawyer Immediately If You Refuse To Blow in Bradford

                When we receive details of an arrest on those who refuse to blow, you will be assured that your refusal to take a breathalyzer test and your impaired driving charges are fought on highly technical grounds. This includes whether the police officer followed the rules and whether the driver had a valid reason for refusing the test.

                Moreover, it has to be proved beyond reasonable doubt by the Crown that the police officer fulfilled the legal obligation of confirming that the person who had been asked to take the breath test understands what he/she was required to do and the consequences of refusing to do so. Therefore if you have been arrested, our DUI refusal defence will depend on these factors which are more dependant on technical grounds than anything else.

                refusing breathalyzer bradford

                refuse to blow bradford

                The Chances of Getting a DUI Refusal Dismissed in The Courts of Bradford

                Even though the laws in Bradford, Ontario are very strict on refuse to blow cases, a reliable Bradford DUI Lawyer can prepare an outstanding DUI refusal defence for you. It will primarily be based on whether all the stipulations and conditions have been fulfilled before asking for the test. In most cases, we are able to point out flaws in the prosecution defence. In that case, we request a plea bargain in return for a lower charge for your offences such as careless or negligent driving. Conviction under cases of careless driving do not involve such harsh punishments as is the case with DUI charges.

                We Are Your Best Option When Trying To Beat A DUI Refusal in Bradford

                If you are charged with refusing a breathalyzer and impaired driving, get in touch with our Bradford DUI Lawyer immediately. Speed is of much essence in such situations since our DUI refusal defence is largely based on technical grounds of evidence collected from the site and cross-examining prosecution witnesses. We are also offer a DUI expungement service for those who have already been convicted and what the their DUI records deleted. Give us a call today and experience our high success rates.


                Call Us for a free Consultation

                Call Us Now talking is FREE!

                Call For A Free Consultation

                24 Hours

                24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

                Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

                  Adam Little dedicated to your rights

                  Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

                  How We Help our experience is your advantage
                  The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

                  Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
                  • Impaired Driving
                  • Driving Under The Influence
                  • Over 80 DUI
                  • Failure To Provide
                  • Multiple DUI Offences
                  • Care And Control

                  Bradford DUI Defence Attorney

                  dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                  Bradford DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

                  We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                  Invaluable Experience

                  As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

                  We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

                  As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                  Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

                  Superior Knowledge

                  Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

                  We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

                  Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


                  Call For Your Free Consultation.

                  dui offence

                  Newmarket DUI Conviction Defence

                  Drinking and Driving Conviction Defence Lawyer in Newmarket

                  dui conviction newmarket

                  Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Newmarket DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

                  What To Do When Faced With a DUI Offence in Newmarket, ON

                  A DUI Conviction (Driving under the Influence) can be disastrous for your future and a traumatic experience for first time offenders. Those proved to be guilty have severe penalties and fines imposed on them. In Ontario these punishments are enacted by both the acts of Parliament and those of the Provincial Assemblies. Hence the actual penalty may be different in Newmarket, Ontario but wherever the incident may take place the consequences can be extremely ruinous.

                  If you are slapped with a DUI offence, your first step should be to get in touch with an experienced Newmarket DUI lawyer. Our defence attorneys have a proven track record in these cases and can help evade a conviction and the consequent harsh penalties. Our team of lawyers will fight your case on technical grounds based on evidence collected from the site and from the cross-examination of prosecution witnesses. Call us immediately if you are interested in preventing a drinking and driving conviction.

                  Newmarket DUI Offence Laws - Points To Consider When Challenging a DUI Conviction

                  There are many aspects of a DUI criminal offence that we need to consider. Section 253 (1) states that every one commits an offence who operates a motor vehicle or vessel or assists in the operation of an aircraft or of railway equipment or has the care or control of a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft or railway equipment, whether it is in motion or not.

                  A police officer can charge you when she/he has reasonable grounds to believe that drugs or alcohol impaired your operating ability and that you are beyond the limits of sobriety. You can be put through physical coordination tests, and if you are found to be impaired, then blood and urine samples and breathalyzer tests will be taken to substantiate the DUI offence further.

                  Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Are Facing A DUI Conviction in Newmarket

                  dui offence newmarket

                  dui criminal offence newmarket

                  Types Of DUI Charges:

                  Impaired Driving

                  Driving Under The Influence

                  Over 80 m.g. DUI

                  Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

                  Care and Control

                  Multiple DUI Offences

                  Consequences Of A DUI:

                  Criminal Record

                  Serving a Jail Sentence

                  Drivers License Suspension

                  Payment of Fines

                  Travel Restrictions

                  Loss of Income


                  Call Us for a free Consultation

                  Extreme Drinking and Driving Offences in Newmarket, Ontario

                  This is the over 80 offence. An accused is charged with this offence when the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the body exceeds 80mg for a 100 ml blood sample. However, for a DUI conviction, there are some procedures that need to be thoroughly followed by the authorities.

                  Each sample has to be taken as soon as possible after the incident with the first sample being taken not later than two hours. Thereafter, subsequent samples should be taken at 15 minutes intervals. The sample has to be directly taken in an approved instrument operated by a certified technician. The reports of the analysis made by the technician are admissible during trial. Our Newmarket DUI Lawyer goes through all these procedures and will ensure that none are overlooked.

                  drinking and driving conviction newmarket

                  drinking and driving offences newmarket

                  Fines and Punishments in Newmarket For a DUI Conviction

                  The minimum quantum of punishments for a DUI conviction are:

                  However, it is different if bodily harm or death has been caused due to impaired driving. In such cases;

                  • If a prosecutor has opted for a summary conviction and no one is killed or hurt, the maximum sentence is 18 months of jail time.
                  • If a prosecutor has opted for indictment and no one is killed or hurt, the maximum sentence is 5 years of jail time.
                  • If a person has suffered bodily harm because of the DUI offence, the maximum DUI sentencing is 10 years of jail time.
                  • If a person is killed because of the offence, the maximum sentence is life imprisonment.

                  Proven Strategies to Prevent a Drinking and Driving Conviction in Newmarket, ON

                  For drinking and driving offences, we present a defence that is largely based on technical grounds. Our main strategies that help us win is investigating whether the police officer violated any Charter Rights and whether the breath or blood sample analysis was carried out on approved instruments and within the set time frames as laid down by the law. We also gather firsthand evidence from the site of the incident to collate with that of the prosecutor and point out discrepancies if any.

                  If you are dealing with drinking and driving offences get in touch with us immediately for professional advice, consultation services and defence at trial.


                  Call Us for a free Consultation

                  Call Us Now talking is FREE!

                  Call For A Free Consultation

                  24 Hours

                  24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

                  Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

                    Adam Little dedicated to your rights

                    Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

                    How We Help our experience is your advantage
                    The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

                    Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
                    • Impaired Driving
                    • Driving Under The Influence
                    • Over 80 DUI
                    • Failure To Provide
                    • Multiple DUI Offences
                    • Care And Control

                    Newmarket DUI Defence Attorney

                    dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                    Newmarket DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

                    We fight drinking and driving offences to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                    Invaluable Experience

                    As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

                    We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

                    As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                    Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

                    Superior Knowledge

                    Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

                    We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

                    Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


                    Call For Your Free Consultation.

                    dui first offence

                    Getting a DUI Reduced in Hamilton

                    How Often Do DUI Cases Get Reduced in Hamilton, ON

                    how often do DUI cases get reduced hamilton

                    Due to the severe and harsh punishments handed out to Hamilton DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable drunk driving Lawyer.

                    How to Reduce DUI Charges in Hamilton, Ontario

                    Driving under the influence or DUI, as it is commonly referred to, is considered a very serious offence in Hamilton and Ontario. The implications arising from a DUI have severe consequences and may have a negative impact on your entire life. It is because of these legal implications that most people wish to get their DUI case dismissed and get their DUI charge reduced. The only way to get a DUI reduced is for the Crown attorney to amend the charge with a completely new and different charge that will have much fewer consequences than a standard DUI.

                    The Crown attorney will only agree to a lesser charge if your lawyer is able to convince the Crown attorney into a plea bargain. It is, therefore, necessary for you to hire the services of a top DUI lawyer who will pursue and professionally represent your case. We employ some of the best and most noted DUI lawyers in Hamilton, Ontario and we have extensive experience in dealing with DUI cases and providing relief for our clients facing DUI charges.

                    How to Reduce DUI Charges in Hamilton, Continued...

                    If you are still wondering what the necessary measures to reduce DUI charges are, then the only major factor you need to understand is that you need to get a decent DUI lawyer. A well conversant lawyer will handle the legal process of getting a DUI reduced. The only way a DUI charge will be reduced is if the Crown attorney agrees to drop charges against you and charge you with a new offence that has lesser consequences. This will be made possible if the hired lawyer has the expertise and ability to convince the Crown to do so.

                    How to Reduce DUI Charges With a Plea Bargain in Hamilton, ON

                    A plea bargain is considered before the Crown attorney presents your case during a hearing. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, your lawyer may approach the Crown attorney for a plea deal. The Crown attorney will agree to a plea bargain if they feel that their case is seriously flawed and it is not possible for them to proceed with the case in court. Instead of getting the case dismissed they can charge you with a lesser charge. An experienced DUI lawyer should be able to find ways on how to reduce DUI charges via a plea bargain so that it is not necessary for you to submit to the maximum penalties for your charges.

                    Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offence in Hamilton

                    get DUI charges reduced hamilton

                    getting a DUI reduced hamilton

                    Types Of DUI Charges:

                    Impaired Driving

                    Driving Under The Influence

                    Over 80 m.g. DUI

                    Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

                    Care and Control

                    Multiple DUI Offences

                    Consequences Of A DUI:

                    Criminal Record

                    Serving a Jail Sentence

                    Drivers License Suspension

                    Payment of Fines

                    Travel Restrictions

                    Loss of Income


                    Call Us for a free Consultation

                    How to Reduce DUI Charges with the Help of a Hamilton DUI Lawyer

                    Without a professional DUI lawyer by your side, it will be almost impossible for you to figure out how to reduce DUI charges or convince the Crown’s attorney into a plea bargain. A dependable DUI lawyer will be able to negotiate a plea bargain with the Crown attorney and shield you from the consequences of a DUI charge.

                    what can a DUI be reduced to hamilton

                    how to reduce DUI charges hamilton

                    How Often do DUI Cases Get Reduced in Hamilton and What Can a DUI be Reduced to?

                    If you are wondering how often DUI cases get reduced in Hamilton, the answer is the DUI charges get reduced quite often depending on the strength and validity of the DUI defence strategies used by the DUI lawyer representing the request. There are usually various flaws in a DUI case which a lawyer can point out to the Crown attorney who will then agree to negotiate a plea deal to reduce the charges to a less severe charge. On the other hand, most people are not aware of what extent a DUI can be reduced to. A DUI can be reduced to anything with less serious consequences such as careless driving which is the most common offence. With a careless driving charge, you will face lesser consequences and will not have a subsequent criminal record.

                    Get DUI Charges Reduced With the Help of a Hamilton DUI Lawyer

                    Having a great DUI lawyer by your side in DUI cases is very beneficial. Your lawyer may be able to negotiate a plea deal with the Crown attorney to get your DUI charges reduced to a lesser charge. We Offer reputable Hamilton DUI lawyers in Hamilton, Ontario who specialize in DUI offences. We are here to safeguard you from any consequences arising from of a DUI and will find the best defence to get you out of any criminal charges.


                    Call Us for a free Consultation

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                    24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

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                      Adam Little dedicated to your rights

                      Adam Little received his LL.B in 2006 from Osgoode Hall Law School and has lectured at numerous educational conferences for the Law Society of Upper Canada and for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario. Mr. Little's exceptional knowledge of the law as it pertains to driving related offences has been observed at the highest levels of court in Canada. Mr. Little has conducted both trials and appeals, at all levels of court in Ontario. Watch the video below as Adam carries out an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

                      How We Help our experience is your advantage
                      The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with Adam Little, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on impaired driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

                      Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
                      • Impaired Driving
                      • Driving Under The Influence
                      • Over 80 DUI
                      • Failure To Provide
                      • Multiple DUI Offences
                      • Care And Control

                      Hamilton DUI Defence Attorney

                      dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                      Hamilton DUI Defence Attorney With Consistent Results

                      We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                      Invaluable Experience

                      As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

                      We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

                      As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                      Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

                      Superior Knowledge

                      Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defence on your behalf at trial.

                      We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offences and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

                      Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defence against any care and control charges.


                      Call For Your Free Consultation.

                      Call Now