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DUI News

DUI solutions that target drinking not driving

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Most people who get a DUI do not get another.

Most people who get more than one DUI do not get arrested while awaiting the outcome of their first offense.

However, a small but persistent group of habitual offenders remain.

At least 1,400 people were charged with more than one DUI in Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia in 2016, according to an analysis of court records conducted by The Sentinel.

Nearly 100 of those people were charged with more than two, The Sentinel found.

Each time they get behind the wheel intoxicated, the outcome can be catastrophic.

“It truly can cause some of the most horrific crashes and deaths,” said David Drumheller, traffic safety resource prosecutor for the Pennsylvania District Attorney’s Association. “You can be out with your family driving home from the movies completely law abiding, and next thing you know you’re hit by a drunk driver and your life is changed as you know it.”

In recent years, a new approach to dealing with intoxicated driving has begun to take hold.

Traditional methods focus on the driving aspect of impaired driving by doing things like revoking a person’s driver’s license or requiring the driver to install an ignition interlock that tests for alcohol on the driver’s breath before allowing the vehicle to start.

In some areas, the focus has shifted to the other part of the equation — drinking.


Read the full article here: https://cumberlink.com/news/local/closer_look/over-the-limit-dui-solutions-that-target-drinking-not-driving/article_66f90bd4-d79a-5bc2-a020-57d203146910.html


For more local DUI news and information please visit our website https://www.toronto-dui-lawyer.ca/


Justin Bieber’s head of security arrested for DUI after crash injures cops

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Justin Bieber’s head of security Mikey Arana has been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) after a car crash that injured two Florida police officers on Thursday. The Miami-Dade County Police officers’ injuries meant they were taken into hospital, with one having to be airlifted. Both have now been released from the hospital, police officials confirmed on Twitter.


Read the full article here: https://torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrity/justin-biebers-head-of-security-arrested-for-dui-after-crash-injures-cops


For more local DUI news and information please visit our website https://www.toronto-dui-lawyer.ca/


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