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DUI News

Alcohol: A Major Factor in Many Crimes Involving Violence

Alcohol Crimes


Mark Jante, a 59 year old man from Middlesex Township called 911 on March 12 to report that he had stabbed someone and was in need of medical attention. The police arrived and they found Jante covered in blood and the victim bleeding from his back. The victim was referred to as his “buddy” who ultimately succumbed to his injuries and Jante was the first of two people to be charged with criminal homicide in the Cumberland County. There aren’t many killing that happen in Cumberland County but a factor that has become common in the commission of violent crimes is alcohol.


According to David Jernigan who is an associate professor at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, adding alcohol to any situation that has potential for violence is like adding gasoline to fire. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there have been 300 homicides in Pennsylvania between 2006 and 2010 where alcohol was a key factor. Other recent researches by various government authorities have shown that violent crimes have been committed under the influence of alcohol and alcohol accounts for the commission of more than half of such crimes.


Daniel Webster is a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and believes that alcohol affects the behavior of individuals. According to Webster, a little bit of alcohol doesn’t change anything and it is only after a few drinks that the individuals start to show signs of change in behavior. They are rendered unable to drive ultimately resulting in driving and drinking charges, disability to control impulses and other behavioral changes resulting in violence.


Read the full article here: https://cumberlink.com/news/local/closer_look/over-the-limit-alcohol-is-a-factor-in-many-violent/article_6acff982-9a6c-50da-9497-4b84f4ff5b8c.html


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The fatal Alligator Alley Crash Included a $150M Powerball Winner

Alligator Alley Crash


A man who had reportedly won a massive payout in a Powerball drawing was seriously injured in the Alligator Alley crash that killed a young woman from Minnesota. The crash took place earlier this week when a pickup collided with a van along the Interstate 75 stretch known as Alligator Alley in western Broward County. Lauren Vanreese of Andover, Minnesota was the victim who did not survive the crash and was confirmed by family members as aged 18. Florida Highway Patrol also stated that all of the injured victims were from Minnesota.


Another passenger in the van was Paul White aged 49, who got seriously injured and was reportedly a winner of $150 million share of a Powerball drawing in 2013. The crash that took place on Tuesday at 5:34 p.m. near Mile Marker 41 on the eastbound side of the highway and that is when both the vehicles heading east collided. NisbanySuritGarcias, of Fort Myers, the driver of the pickup had a blood alcohol level of 0.182, which is twice the legal limit and was arrested. He would be facing multiple charges and not just the over 80 charge criminal code.


The occupants of the van who had survived the crash told the investigators that they saw Garcias crawling out of his pickup and gathered the “items in the median that had come from his vehicle in the rollover,” as per the arrest report. The van was carrying 15 occupants and all of the occupants were rescued by crews from Boward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties.


Read the full article here: https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fl-sb-crash-fatal-alligator-alley-20180307-story.html


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Florida man dials 911 to report his own drunk driving

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The Associated Press
Published Saturday, January 6, 2018 2:46PM EST
Last Updated Saturday, January 6, 2018 2:48PM EST
WINTER HAVEN, Fla. — Florida authorities are sharing the details of an unusual 911 call on New Year’s Eve, from a man who said he wanted to report himself drunk-driving.

Polk County Sheriff’s officials say the dispatcher kept him talking while directing officers to the scene.

When the dispatcher asked Michael Lester where he was, he said, “I’m too drunk. I don’t know where I’m at.”

And when she asked what he’d been doing all night, he said “I don’t know, driving around, trying to get pulled over, actually.”

“I’m driving on the wrong side of the road,” he said later.

The operator repeatedly urged him to park his truck and wait for officers to find him. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong spot.


Read the full article here: https://www.cp24.com/world/florida-man-dials-911-to-report-his-own-drunk-driving-1.3748459


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Randy Travis loses bid to block naked DUI arrest video

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NASHVILLE — A federal judge has denied a request by country singer Randy Travis to stop the state of Texas from releasing footage of him naked and ranting during a 2012 DUI arrest.

The ruling on a request for a preliminary injunction issued Thursday paves the way for the Texas Department of Public Safety to release the footage on Friday, which was requested through open records requests.

Travis’ family has been in a long legal battle to stop the release of the footage that went all the way to the state Supreme Court, which denied his petition. Travis filed a federal lawsuit in September in Texas arguing that that the footage should be considered private under health record privacy regulations. But the judge said he did not show a substantial likelihood of success on the claims.


Read the full article here: https://torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrity/randy-travis-loses-bid-to-block-naked-dui-arrest-video


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Norwegian billionaire tobacco heiress given $38,750 drunk-driving fine

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A 22-year-old Norwegian student has been handed a 250,000-kroner ($38,750 Canadian) fine for drunken driving — but can still count herself lucky. Katharina G. Andresen is reportedly Norway’s richest woman, a tobacco heiress with a fortune estimated by Forbes at $1.57 billion. Fines for drunken driving in Norway are based on the defendant’s income. Newspaper Finansavisen reported that Oslo City Court said the penalty could have been up to 40 million kroner ($6.2 million) if based on Andresen’s assets.


Read the full article here: https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/11/17/norwegian-billionaire-tobacco-heiress-given-38750-drunk-driving-fine.html


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Driver charged with DUI, leaving crash scene

dui leaving the scene toronto


A Gainesville man was arrested Saturday for causing a multiple-car crash while driving under the influence before leaving the scene of the crash, according to a GPD report.

Police said Jeffery Wayne York Jr., 28, of 840 NW 55th St., was driving while intoxicated early Saturday morning when he crashed his car into the rear-end of another vehicle, which caused that vehicle to hit the rear-end of another car.

Both victims contacted the police, and York began arguing with both parties before leaving the scene, the report said.

Police were able to use a license plate number provided by one of the victims to locate York at his residence.

Police said York admitted being involved in the crash and to leaving the scene before taking part in a field sobriety tests in a nearby parking lot.

York also gave breath samples that registered .241 and .242, which is more than three times the legal limit in Florida.

York was charged with a DUI involving damage to property and with leaving the scene of an accident. He was taken to the Alachua County jail where he was released Saturday on his own recognizance.


Read the full article here: https://www.gainesville.com/news/20180211/driver-charged-with-dui-leaving-crash-scene


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Orléans trucker charged with drunk driving on Highway 401

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It’s a wonder that an Orléans trucker nabbed by the OPP’s traffic patrol didn’t kill anyone.

Sgt. Kerry Schmidt, who mans the OPP’s highway safety division Twitter account, reported Sunday that the unnamed 29-year-old had been spotted behind the wheel of a fully-loaded transport truck that was slowing traffic, weaving and cutting off other vehicles on Highway 401 in Toronto.

He ended up charged with impaired driving, driving with more than 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood and dangerous driving.

Retired Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Chris Lewis likely spoke for everyone else on the road when he tweeted a succinct question: “How many innocent lives jeopardized by this complete moron???”


Read the full article here: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/orleans-trucker-charged-with-drunk-driving-on-highway-401-opp


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DUI solutions that target drinking not driving

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Most people who get a DUI do not get another.

Most people who get more than one DUI do not get arrested while awaiting the outcome of their first offense.

However, a small but persistent group of habitual offenders remain.

At least 1,400 people were charged with more than one DUI in Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia in 2016, according to an analysis of court records conducted by The Sentinel.

Nearly 100 of those people were charged with more than two, The Sentinel found.

Each time they get behind the wheel intoxicated, the outcome can be catastrophic.

“It truly can cause some of the most horrific crashes and deaths,” said David Drumheller, traffic safety resource prosecutor for the Pennsylvania District Attorney’s Association. “You can be out with your family driving home from the movies completely law abiding, and next thing you know you’re hit by a drunk driver and your life is changed as you know it.”

In recent years, a new approach to dealing with intoxicated driving has begun to take hold.

Traditional methods focus on the driving aspect of impaired driving by doing things like revoking a person’s driver’s license or requiring the driver to install an ignition interlock that tests for alcohol on the driver’s breath before allowing the vehicle to start.

In some areas, the focus has shifted to the other part of the equation — drinking.


Read the full article here: https://cumberlink.com/news/local/closer_look/over-the-limit-dui-solutions-that-target-drinking-not-driving/article_66f90bd4-d79a-5bc2-a020-57d203146910.html


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Should Ontario overhaul how it charges drunk drivers?

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The head of Mother’s Against Drunk Driving is calling on the Ontario government to overhaul how it charges people caught driving drunk and to implement partial decriminalization, a change the province appears open to considering.

Andrew Murie, CEO of MADD Canada, told Ontario Today on Thursday that partial decriminalization of driving under the influence charges reduces deaths caused by drunk driving.

Drunk driving to be largely decriminalized in Alberta in 2018
B.C. drinking and driving deaths down significantly
Since British Columbia introduced decriminalization legislation in 2010, police officers have been offering people caught driving under the influence for the first time — as long as they have not caused damage to property or injured anyone — the option of choosing administrative sanctions or criminal charges.

In a few years, the number of road deaths related to impaired driving had fallen dramatically.

“The focus of that program is solely on things that might rehab and reduce recidivism, where the criminal code focuses more on a punishment,” Murie said.

“Immediately behaviour changed [in B.C.],” he added. “People were continuing to go out and purchasing alcohol, but when it came to the actual act of driving their behaviours changed.”

Processing administrative sanctions is also much quicker than processing criminal charges and sending someone to court, so the change is saving money in courts and in police services, he said.


Read the full article here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/decriminalize-drunk-driving-madd-ontario-1.4473689


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A Tesla owner’s excuse for his DUI crash

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The driver had a blood-alcohol content nearly double the legal limit and a tenuous relationship with consciousness when his car slammed into the back of a parked fire truck on San Francisco’s Bay Bridge.

Still, he became maybe the first to add a technologically advanced new entry to the list of drunken driving excuses.

He wasn’t driving, the man told the highway patrolman Monday morning. The car was.

According to the California Highway Patrol, the driver explained that his Tesla electric vehicle “had been set on autopilot,” obviating the need for him to be in control of the vehicle or, well, sober.

He was wrong, of course, and was ultimately jailed under suspicion of driving under the influence. But as word of another Tesla autopilot crash spread, the case of car as designated driver became an interesting thought exercise for anyone with more than a passing interest in vehicles that drive themselves.

If Elon Musk and other forward-thinking automakers have their way, there will soon be a time when there is no more drunken driving, because cars never have to wonder whether they’ve had one too many vodka martinis.

But until we all have our own computer-controlled, two-ton chauffeurs, we’re left with an increasing number of cars with a raft of features that make them semi-autonomous — vehicles that are safer and smarter, if not particularly geniuses.

Carmakers are transparent about that caveat emptor quality of their vehicles.


Read the full article here: https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2018/01/23/a-tesla-owners-excuse-for-his-dui-crash-the-car-was-driving.html


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