Woman allegedly tried to avoid DUI arrest with white entitlement

A South Carolina woman pulled over for suspected drunk driving charges allegedly tried to use white entitlement as an excuse to avoid being cuffed.
But the cops weren’t buying it and she was arrested anyway.
Officers from the Bluffton Police Department pulled over Lauren Cutshaw, 32, early Saturday morning after she reportedly sped past a stop sign going 96 km/h. According to The Island Packet, Cutshaw was stopped after she drove through a four-way stop.
After being pulled over, the woman told cops she had two glasses of wine, according to a police report. When questioned about the size of the glasses that contained the two drinks, Cutshaw said, “I mean I was celebrating my birthday.”
The police report noted Cutshaw’s eyes were glassy and bloodshot, her breath reeked of booze, and she slurred her speech. After failing on-scene sobriety tests – including blowing .18% blood alcohol level on a breathalyzer – Cutshaw gave a number of reasons why she shouldn’t be arrested.
The list of reasons included having perfect grades in school, graduating from a “high accredited university”, being a cheerleader and a sorority member, and that her boyfriend is also an officer.
“I’m a white, clean girl,” Cutshaw reportedly told the arresting officers. When asked what she meant, the woman’s reply was blunt.
“You’re a cop, you should know what that means.’
The arrest reported noted the cops were taken aback by Cutshaw’s comments.
“Making statements such as these as a means to justify not being arrested are unusual in my experience as a law enforcement officer and I believe further demonstrate the suspect’s level of intoxication,” the report stated.
Regardless, Cutshaw was arrested and charged with speeding, ignoring a stop sign, possession of marijuana, driving under the influence and possession of drug paraphernalia.
The woman was taken to Beaufort County Detention Center but was no longer in custody as of Tuesday.
Read the original article here.
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